This weekend was a good one
calm, productive, full of sunshine. We finally got around to some home improvement projects we’ve been wanting to simply start (but finished, too!) and yesterday enjoyed a taste-testing brunch of the city’s best salteñas which I’ll post later this week. If you’re looking for something to watch on the tube this week I highly recommend
Pandora’s Promise
, a 2013 pro-nuclear power documentary that chronicles many environmentalists’ change of stance regarding the power debate. We caught it on Netflix and I was pretty impressed, and influenced, by this film that’s definitely worth checking out. Onward with a new week and new goals!
Last Week’s Wishes
1. Set up CoSchedule. HOW DID I WAIT THIS LONG TO GET STARTED WITH COSCHEDULE? It’s marvelous and most definitely a tool that every blogger needs to complement their content repertoire. After publishing a piece I can post and schedule to ALL of my social media outlets right in the calendar as well as manage comments, follows and statistics for each particular post. Win, win, win.
2. Publish three blog posts. I wrote about tourism and community development in rural Peru and posted a video from a recent trip drilling a water well here in Bolivia . Check ’em out.
3. Put together a resources page. I wish I had gotten around to this but I spent this time dealing with my online photography portfolio site which was hacked a while back and is proving to be more difficult to restore than anticipated. Any tips for tighter website security in the future?
This week’s wishes/goals
1. Put together a resources page. I’ll carry this over from last week and see if I can at least get a list of resources together, if not publish the page in it’s entirety.
2. Restore my photography website. Ugh. It looks like I’ll be switching hosting providers and starting from scratch so I better get to it. Stay away from Vexxhost if ever looking for a domain service provider, they are useless.
3. Publish three posts. Having this has a written goal really helped me last week so I’ll continue to add it until this is a habit and I get into the routine of publishing regularly. I’d like to throw a recipe up here this week (I’ve been on fiya in the kitchen lately :)) and hopefully some photos from my drilling trip.
A linkup with
There you have it! What are you hoping to accomplish this week?
Hello, Jessica! I stumbled upon your blog thanks to the Weekly Wishes link-up, and I love your layout! It is so clean and nicely put. I am very glad I found your blog.
Also, I’m so glad to find another blogger that’s very interested in photography. I am attempting to improve my photog skills, so bloggers with photography pages are always a YAY from me! hahaha.
Also, I am sorry that you;re going through that with your host. It seems like they are a painful company. I hope you resolve that issue!
Best of luck on all of your goals/wishes!
Thank you so much for the kind words! As bloggers it seems we are never done designing or tweaking our layout so it’s nice to hear your thoughts! Your blog is beautiful and I look forward to following along! Good luck to you as well wrapping up your week and have a great weekend!
Good luck getting it done this week! I’m interested in CoSchedule. I tried it and had a REALLY difficult time even getting started. I’m glad to hear it’s working for you!
Hey Katie, that’s too bad CoSchedule was a challenge off the bat. I’m LOVING it and really encourage you to take another look. It seems like they are continuously making updates as every time I log-in there is a new message highlighting an improvement. Either way, thanks for stopping by and good luck to you as well wrapping up the week!
This is an excellent idea! Ask, believe, receive
I think it’s important to write down what you’ve achieved and even more important to write down what you want 😀
Thanks, Laura! It’s a great way to hold yourself accountable as well!
I am sorry about your photography blog. I got my 2 blogs suspended because of spam too and I lost them. I didn’t have backup either. But thankfully, they were just starting blogs, haven’t invested much in them yet. Now, I am bulletproofing my site and I have decided to just run 1 site. I’ve merged my topics in there. Lifestyle and Finance. Everything’s been better. I purchased domains from GoDaddy. So far, they’re okay. I hope you fix your photo web soon!
Good to hear, Aiza! It’s devastating when you lose so much hard work, especially to spam and hackers! The site you have now is great! I really enjoy what you have going on over there
Thanks for the support, cheers!