When I first moved to Santa Cruz de la Sierra I was admittedly skeptical of my new home in Bolivia. Where were the towering peaks of the Andes mountains? And the perilous landscapes I came to expect from the images of Lonely Planet and National Geographic? And seriously, where are all of these cows coming(…)
A quick look at my visit to Sucre, Bolivia thus far through my Instagram feed. Plus, my top ten favorite inspirational travel and lifestyle Instagrammers for you to check out!
A veces me cuesta admitir, en voz alta, que mi nuevo hogar en Santa Cruz de la Sierra no es el lugar más inspirador para establecerme en toda Bolivia. Llámeme una idealista, pero me gusta creer que el lugar donde se echan raíces es emocionante y estimulante. Debe ser algún lugar que le motiva y mueve, que es(…)
Sometimes it’s hard for me to admit, out loud, that my new home in Santa Cruz de la Sierra is not the most inspiring place for me to settle down in all of Bolivia. Call me an idealist, but I like to think the place where one considers planting new roots is somewhere that is exciting(…)
Oh hey! I’m on iTunes! In my interview with Mariza from the podcast A Broad, Abroad you’ll hear me dish on how social media stalking turned my dream job into reality, feeling like a foreigner in my own country, life in a tropical paradise and some of the woes of expat living and long-term travel…
La desintoxicación (detox) es un paso importante para la limpieza de su cuerpo. Este green detox smoothie es la manera perfecta para empezar su día como desayuno o como un snack después del ejercicio o en la tarde. La espinaca está llena de hierro que aumenta la energía y es un gran reemplazo para la carne…
Meet Marta, AKA “the arepa queen.” You’ll find her on the corner of Barbery Avenue and Alcayá Street from 4-7pm everyday with spatula in hand and a grin from ear to ear. She is, after all, dishing up her daily dose of happiness and lucky for you, she’s sharing with whoever’s in the neighborhood. A(…)
Nov 20, 2012 @ 22:24:46
Am I the first one??? Did it work?
I typed http://www.jessicajanoski.com and it sent me to the other website that you have. I had to go back to facebook to click on the link.